A Study of the Dependent Origination in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Nationalism

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Sathien Thangthongmadan
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho


This article has three objectives : 1) to study the Dependent Origination in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy 2) to study the concept of naturalism and 3) to study the Dependent Origination and the naturalism in Theravada Buddhist philosophy. This article is a documentary study. The study is found that the Dependent Origination is explained that all being relief on each other to come together with each other as factors of each other. Things rely on together, so they occur, or that everything happens because of the relative factors. The Buddha thought The Dependent Origination as the Law of nature. It is the truth that exists all time. It is not related to the emergence of all the prophets. The Dependent Origination is related to the Naturalism. That is, humans are a product of nature. In the sense that it is set out according to the laws of nature. The humans are not a product of the creation of supernatural powers in any way. The Dependent Origination is related with Naturalism because of believing that natural law is an eternal thing, reject the supernatural power that is the first cause of all things, believe in proving natural phenomena with the principle of reason and see humans as natural products.

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How to Cite
Thangthongmadan, S., & Narajettho, P. Y. (2019). A Study of the Dependent Origination in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Nationalism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(1), 61–78. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240248
Academic Article


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