An analytical study of Karma and reincarnation that appear in Vimanavatthu

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Sirirasami Singhasonthi
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho


This Article has three purposes: 1) to study introduction to Vimanavatthu, 2) to study the concept of Karma and 3) to analytical study of Karma in Vimanavatthu. It is the documentary article. The result from studying is found that Vimanavatthu is a compilation of 85 stories of the births of the castles. The reason for this is because people have asked, the reason for asking, when seeing the castles and other dhipaya treasures, was surprised. Feel joy therefore asked to know the history. The Lord Buddha and Thera asked the gods, goddesses. Karma is an action consisting of intention. In Buddhism, Karma is divided into 3 kinds, namely: wholesome, unwholesome and neutral conduct. Wholesome results in various castles.

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How to Cite
Singhasonthi, S., & Narajettho, P. Y. (2019). An analytical study of Karma and reincarnation that appear in Vimanavatthu. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(1), 101–111. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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