Concept of Rebirth and Buddhist Philosophy

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Wiboonpong Punthunon
Pali Buddharaksa


The Academic paper has an objective that keens on to define the exact concept of Buddhist saṃsāra in the aspect of Buddhist Philosophy among the human thought. For getting things done, the qualitative method is applied to this piece of work. According to the study, there are couples of important doctrines, which are The Four Noble Truths and Paṭicca-samuppāda, which have played a key role to be consistent with the concept of saṃsāra in Buddhist Philosophy. In addition, for instance, the saṃsāra of human beings as well as animals are developed from the intentional deeds, and therefore the result of actions finally cause human to return in process of the ceaselessly inevitable saṃsāra. In conclusions, whether or not, every human beings definitely receive the effect of action as a fruit of their action in the end.

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How to Cite
Punthunon, W. ., & Buddharaksa , P. (2019). Concept of Rebirth and Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(2), 25–36. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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