Buddhist Philosophy and Liberation

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Chaveewan Sakulsupich
Pali Buddharaksa


This Article is Buddhist Philosophy and Liberation. The result of study found that: Buddhist philosophy is a doctrine in Buddhism by explaining each doctrine with philosophical methods such as Nibbãna or liberation, etc., to study the doctrince of Nibbãna or liberation in Buddhism in order to summarize the truth about Nibbãna’s existence. The Buddhist philosophy has three characteristics: Sîla: Samãdhi: and Paññã: Which the nature of Buddhist philosophy that is characteristics of the teachings of the Buddha in the Tipitaka which consists of Vinayapitaka, Suttapitaka and Adhidhammapitaka. The practice that led to mak, the result of Nirvana, the study of the philosophy of salvation, there are three reasons: education in the noble Paths, The Threefold Training (Tisikkhã) and The Foundations of Mindfulness. The result of the practice helps the mind of the practitioner to escape from the world into the lush forest. The result is the liberation of all the desperate desires until reaching the initial sacredness of the order until an Arahant is the highest.     

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How to Cite
Sakulsupich, C., & Buddharaksa, P. (2019). Buddhist Philosophy and Liberation . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(2), 54–69. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240379
Academic Article


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