Heal Patients Mind to Buddhist Philosophy

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Phramaha Thappaya Piyawanno (Chaemchamrat)
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho


This article studies about the Heal Patients Mind to Buddhist Philosophy. Buddhism is considered the treatment of illness. Need to rely on doctors and nurses, including relatives In addition to these people having knowledge about disease and the use of technology for healing. Must have knowledge and understanding of human condition In addition to physical or physical persons It also consists of mental states, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, values, reasoning, feelings, rights, freedoms, etc. These characteristics are the mental characteristics that are along with humans all the time. Patient care must also take into account these conditions. Because Thai people respect Buddhism most of the time Moral values ​​and lifestyle are naturally influenced by Buddhist philosophy. Even in the performance of doctors, nurses, relatives and caregivers In addition to using the code of professional ethics as a basis Must also apply Buddhism principles to suit the situation of patient care Applying the principles in the treatment of psychological patients It is a scientific method of treatment that results in the healing of the disease quickly or not progressing.

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How to Cite
Piyawanno (Chaemchamrat), P. T., & Narajettho, P. Y. (2019). Heal Patients Mind to Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(2), 70–81. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240380
Academic Article


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