Buddhist Philosophy in Anatta and Karma

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Phramaha Surasak Khantidhammo
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimethi


The objective of this academic article is to study the Buddhist Philosophy and  Anattā  and  Karma,  By  analyzing  the  relationships  Between Anattā  and  Karma, The  study  indicated  that  Buddhist  Philosophy  Give  an  idea  of  human  life  when  born There  are  good  deeds  bad  deeds.  Karma in Philosophy  was  found  to  act  both  in  a  good  way  or  a  bad  way.  If it’s good karma  and  bad  karma,  called  charity,  called the  deed of  ownership. So that Anattā has a relationship with karma. Human life has only a form  with  a  name or Body  and  mind  is  both  these  nouns  Suffering  according  to  the  condition  of  nouns  but no  one  is  suffering Action  exists  but Doers Therefore  No  more suffering  no  retribution  for  karma  Body  and  mind  are  body  and  soul. Is just a dharma Dress up and dress up.  

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How to Cite
Khantidhammo, P. S., & Kittimethi, P. K. (2019). Buddhist Philosophy in Anatta and Karma. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(2), 105–121. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240384
Academic Article


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