A Study of Methods for Anger Management According to Pațhama Āghātapaṭivinayasutta

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Beliatte Metteyya


The purpose of this article is to analyze methods for anger management that had been recommended by the Buddha to be applied in order to subdue hatred as found in the Pațhama Āghātapaṭivinayasutta. In this article the five methods that can be found in the sutta have been analyzed one by one in orderly manner with supporting information taken from many other sources. The first two methods of extending loving kindness and compassion have been analytically presented followed by the third method of remaining unaffected by developing equanimity. The fourth method of trying to forget or disregard has been explained as the next applicable method for managing anger. The last method of application of consideration of one being the owner of one’s Kamma has been explained as a method that can easily be applied by many ordinary people.

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How to Cite
Metteyya, B. (2019). A Study of Methods for Anger Management According to Pațhama Āghātapaṭivinayasutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(2), 122–133. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240385
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