The important Contents of Dhammacak

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Kidsana Thadabodin
Banjob Banruji


This article has three objectives: 1) to study the dharma as the source of propagation of the Buddha's teachings, 2) to study the dharma in the symbol of the Buddhists, and 3) to study the chakra affecting the era of King Ashoka This article is a documentary study. The study found that Thammachaka is the name of the first sermon that the Lord Buddha taught to Panjawakhi, known as Dhammakajakapawattasutra. The content of the first sermon teaches the Middle Path or the Middle Path and the Four Noble Truths. Thus, it is like rotating the wheel, which is a dharma machine. After announcing the teachings The Dharma spins like a wheel of God's car. The idol wheel spins unstoppably. Even though the Lord Buddha had already passed away But the Dhamma continues to rotate. And spinning harder and faster during the reign of King Asoka the Great the Dharma of the Lord Buddha that revolves only within the Indian subcontinent or in India today but after the completion of the 3rd. sorting, Thammachaka moved out to different continents. With Ceylon continents and Swan landscape etc. Finally, Buddhism flourished in various places. Until becoming a tradition and culture etc.

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How to Cite
Thadabodin, K., & Banruji, B. (2020). The important Contents of Dhammacak. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(1), 64–74. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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