Relationship between kamma and rebirth in Buddhist Scriptures

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Phra Prabsuek Udayo (Vicittasak)
Prapha Nganpirochana


This paper aims to investigate Relationship between kamma and rebirth has three objectives, 1) to study of Kamma appearing in Buddhist Scriptures 2) to study of rebirth appearing in Buddhist Scriptures and 3) to the analytical study of the relative cause of Kamma and rebirth appearing in Buddhist Scriptures. This is qualitative research. The result of the study found that Kamma means duty, doing, and working or action with volition 0r will. It is divided into two important categories: Akusala – kammapatha meaning unwholesome some course of action or evil deed and kusala – kammapatha meaning wholesome course of action or good deed. Both categories of karma have resulted from the acts done through channels or doors of action. The rebirth is the result of good and bad actors, and the planes of existence in the future are also determined by good and bad action. Buddhism believes in the theory of rebirth of every being. The entity which leads to rebirth is mind or soul. It works through a collection of experiences from good and bad actions.

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How to Cite
Udayo (Vicittasak), P. P., & Nganpirochana, P. (2020). Relationship between kamma and rebirth in Buddhist Scriptures. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(1), 75–87. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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