Transformational Leadership According to the Paticcasamupada

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Sumeth Boonmaya


This article entitled to study the concept of the Paticcasamupada and to analyze the transformational Leadership According to the Paticcasamupada. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents.  it was found that a study of Transformational Leadership with human behavior based on the Paticcsamupada. It was focused on how to integrate and apply the new generation of creative leadership. The human interaction is good in all aspects, especially work together. Either at the individual, organizational or social level. Leadership is a critical factor that can be both positive and negative. To the subordinate or related person. Transformational Leadership in four components. Idealized Influence, Inspiration Motivation, Intellectual stimulation, and Individual Consideration. It can be applied to the learning process according to the Paticcasamupada and create models to develop creative leadership skills for others. Relatively relevant to make people work together in their respective roles at their full potential. As a result, groups and organizations achieve their planned goals and objectives which can complete in a constantly changing world.

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How to Cite
Boonmaya, S. (2021). Transformational Leadership According to the Paticcasamupada. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(1), 16–30. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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