Management of Thai Sangha Administration in the Buddhist era

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Thannapaporn Hongthong


This article entitled to study the concept of the pattern and to analyze the value of management of Thai Sangha Administration. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents.  it was found that the management systems of Buddhist organizations during the Buddha’s time followed the dharmmavinaya, as clearly laid out by the Buddha. When Buddhism entered Thailand, the systems had to adapt to fit the governance and culture of the country. However, the Sangha Act 1962 (amended in 1992) maintains Buddhist organizational management systems that resemble those of an absolute monarchy even though the Thailand’s political system has become a constitutional democracy. This absolute system in the Buddhist sphere has caused many issues such as delays, injustice, and ambiguity and ultimately has shaken the faith of Thai citizens. The pros of the system are it encourages unity and close connection to the state and to key leaders. However, the cons include distorting the dharma Vinaya and deteriorating the faith of local citizens due to three main factors: 1) The Sangha Act 1962, 2) structure of the Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand, and 3) seniority system of monks.

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How to Cite
Hongthong, T. (2021). Management of Thai Sangha Administration in the Buddhist era. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(1), 31–44. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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