Concepts of Social and Ethical Adjustment of a company to conducting business With the advancement of corporate Governance into the 4G

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Nakamon Punchakhettikul


               Changes in technology and economic innovation  result in  a variety of business models.  There is a new business model which without the restrictions on the area and location of the establishment like in the past. The Knowledge and creativity and how to make quick business decisions that affect to growth are equal successes and failures. The company's ethical adjustment in business operations and the transition to corporate governance in the 4G era is a matter of great importance in the business world, and is considered as a tool for controlling important business operations. Because it is about laws and regulations. A good moral in business is a commitment that must be strictly observed with each other. In the business or trading together, to give the stakeholder an opportunity to participate, responsible, transparent, and cost-effective is an important way in adjusting the thinking base in doing business to be as honest as possible. Because in this world, the 4G era, nothing can be hidden from each other anymore.

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How to Cite
Punchakhettikul, N. (2021). Concepts of Social and Ethical Adjustment of a company to conducting business With the advancement of corporate Governance into the 4G. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(1), 56–68. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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