Causal Relationship Model of the Ethical Factors Influencing Ethical Characteristics of Mass Communication Students Based-on Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education

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Chantana Papattha


The objective of the research was to develop and verify compliance of the causal relationship model of the ethical factors influencing ethical characteristics of mass communication student based-on Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF). This research was quantitative research by using questionnaire as a tool to collect data from 800 samples who were working about of journalism. Data was analyzed by to part analysis. The results showed that the causal relationship model of the ethical factors influencing ethical characteristics of MCS based-on TQF was no fitted to empirical data. The Chi-square test was statistically significant at the .01 level (p=.000). When considering the group indices that were given at a level greater than or equal to .90, it was found that all indices were NFI = .945, IFI = .946 and CFI = .946 qualify respectively, and    the index that was defined at a level of less than .05, it was found that the index RMSEA = .292.

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How to Cite
Papattha, C. (2021). Causal Relationship Model of the Ethical Factors Influencing Ethical Characteristics of Mass Communication Students Based-on Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(2), 1–16. Retrieved from
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