A Concept of Right and Freedom in Treravada Buddhism

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Phramaha Khwanchai Hemprapai
Phrakruvinaithon Samut Thathong
Phramaha Kraiwan Chiinathattiyo


This article entitled to study a concept of Right and Freedom and to analyze Right and freedom in Theravada Buddhism. This is qualitative research done by studying academic documents.  It was found that Rights and Freedom are social and political concepts presented through metaphysical approach that consider natural freedom from the mind not bound by any other condition. The social approach takes the social rights and authority to determine human beings cannot exercise freedom in order to maintain the benefits that everyone enjoys together. It defines concrete actions and considers the acquiring of equal and fair legal rights.

Rights and Freedom in Theravada Buddhism are presented through metaphysical approach that consider freedom in terms of karmic law that the individual can do anything. If the person has pure intentions, there is no need to consider the consequences. At the same time, Theravada Buddhism refers to responsibility for the consequences. The effect will affect the mind of the person is primarily in every action that has a continuous effect according to the definition of karma. By the way, and a social approach talks about considers the natural right of man to own his own life and property. It means the rights of women and men that are different from the acceptance of the truth. It is the way in which Theravada Buddhism accepts that the truth, both the ultimate truth and the supposition of the conventional truth, are always true.

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How to Cite
Hemprapai, P. K., Thathong, P. S. ., & Chiinathattiyo, P. K. (2021). A Concept of Right and Freedom in Treravada Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(1), 80–96. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/251174
Academic Article


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