Educational administration paradigm in Disruption Period

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Nopadol Chenaksara
Mattana Wangthanomsal Wangthanomsak
Nuchnara Rattanasiraprapha


This paper is to present he rapid development and advancement of artificial intelligence combined with wealth resulting from economic development under the ubiquitous information system creating a post-modern organization become a virtual organization. This change has resulted in a number of management innovations. As we enter the new millennium Globalization is progressing rapidly and progressively, until a turn of events on a disruption period, the acceleration of this change is triggered higher by the epidemic of emerging diseases caused by the corona-19 virus. Educational administration paradigm in the disruption period Therefore, it is important to consider. Because it will determine the direction of the appropriate action and the most effective in the future.

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How to Cite
Chenaksara, N., Wangthanomsak, M. . W., & Rattanasiraprapha, N. (2021). Educational administration paradigm in Disruption Period. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(2), 51–66. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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