Phra Perd : Faith and Value towards the Buddhist Way of Life in Khwao Sinrin District, Surin Province

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Phrabaideeka Pongpat Chavano (Moomtong)
Phra Boonsom Analayo (Seesuk)
Thanarat Sa-ard-iam


There are three objectives in this article: 1) to study the history of Phra Perd, 2) to study the Buddhist way of life in the Khwao Sinrin district, Surin province, and 3) to analyze Phra Perd’s faith and values in the Buddhist way of life in the Khwao Sinrin district, Surin province. The documentaries studies and In-depth interviews were used. The results had found that Phra Perd is a traditional Isan Lan Chang Buddhist art. It was created in the 23rd-century Buddhist era as a symbol of an artificial Buddha to offer as a Buddhist worshipper with doctrine. It is the propagation of symbolic Buddhism and a place of the spiritual adherent. The Khao Sinrin district adheres to Buddha as the highest reliance and ideology and continues to preserve traditional cultural traditions for future generations. Phra Perd’s faith and value towards the Buddhist way of life in the Khwao Sinrin district have faith in Buddhism. The effect of faith is fundamental to wisdom and value for life by presenting a description analyzed in three aspects: 1) psychological aspect: there is a belief in Phra Perd that it is a symbol of Buddha’s image, that is, a symbol of goodness, a psychological reliance, and creating morale and being a way of philanthropy for Buddhists, 2) social aspects: making creativity in Buddhist art and traditions and harmony in society and 3) wisdom aspects: applying Buddhist doctrine in everyday life. Phra Perd is a sacred Buddha image in the city that convinces Buddhists to behave in a good way of life, as the Buddhist saying, “Whoever sees the righteous, who sees us.”

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How to Cite
Chavano (Moomtong), P. P., Analayo (Seesuk), P. B., & Sa-ard-iam, T. (2021). Phra Perd : Faith and Value towards the Buddhist Way of Life in Khwao Sinrin District, Surin Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(2), 34–50. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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