A Civil Disobedience and State of Mind in Theravada Buddhism

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Chaithara Anurit
Phramaha Weerayut Kusalajitto


This article entitled to study a concept of a Civil Disobedience and State of Mind and to analyze a Civil Disobedience and State of Mind in Theravada Buddhism. This article done by studying academic documents.  It was found that a Civil disobedience is presented through the nature of actions that express social injustice by doing without the law, or even punishment, it can be seen as a physical matter that cannot injure a mind committed to justice. In a civil disobedience through non-action, it is a method of using peace and tranquility as a practice by refusing to participate in all activities and using the method of fasting and torture that is the way of the priests that emphasizes the training of the mind of expression.

The mental state is related to the mind that accumulates experiences and becomes the person connected with the expression. In other hand, a mind that is only a being. When we considered a civil disobedience and mental status in Theravada Buddhism, it shows that the perception of that action as a connection of the mind with self-adhered characteristics through past and present experiences, thus demonstrating the inaccurate aspect of being judged alone. In a civil disobedience through non-action, it seems to be based on the principle that is considered from the heart. It doesn't have to be outwardly expressed because the expression is primarily interpreted through passion. If there is no passion, there is no need to express it or if it is expressed, it will be seen as being in the right and proper way.

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How to Cite
Anurit, C., & Kusalajitto, P. W. (2021). A Civil Disobedience and State of Mind in Theravada Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(2), 17–33. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/251884
Academic Article


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