Nursing of Monks in Tipitaka: The Origin of Peace in Sangha Community

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Chaba Onnak


This article is a study of the nursing of the monks in the Tipitaka: The Roots of Peace in the Sangha Community. The nursing is a behavior that nurses perform to provide comprehensive physical, mental and social care to alleviate and prevent the spread of disease, and to restore health to maintain good health. In Buddhism, the Buddha prescribes it in the Vinaya, He allowed the monks help to nurses to each other. If anyone neglects or does not act, it is considered an offence of wrongdoing (Dukkata). When monks treat each other, it is considered a Sangha Community ethics, that is, to be generous to each other by proposing the principle of the Four Noble Sentiments (Brahmavihara). It is the core teaching for treating each other with satisfaction, when they see others sick, with a compassionate mind want to help them.  But when they help the patient to the best, should be equanimity, trust in the possible conditions and take care of them as much as they can. By following this, it could bring peace to the Sangha.

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How to Cite
Onnak, C. (2021). Nursing of Monks in Tipitaka: The Origin of Peace in Sangha Community. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(1), 128–145. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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