Peacemaking on conflicts of thought in Treravada Buddhism

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ปัญจรีย์ จุลไกรอานิสงส์


This article aims to study conflict of ideas in Theravada Buddhism and to study peace-building on conflict of ideas in Theravada Buddhism by a documentary study. The results were founded that conflicts of thought arising from unwholesome foundations lead to make self-concepts and differing opinions. After that, the group was created between the powerful and the subordinate. In the other, it combined with external factors that are facts, relationships, interests and values. So, the methods of creating peace on conflicts of thought in Theravada Buddhism are: 1. Building fundamental equality, it talks that society must use discipline or the law to have a link between them by discipline. The social without upholding the rules, rules and regulations of society cannot lead to peace. In a democratic society, it’s a characteristic that shows the ability to govern oneself. In a good society, there must be rules. and social people must maintain that rule with equality is equal before the law; 2) A social system that is conducive to justice, it’s the application of Dharma principles to solve problems. In the other, the Dharma principle is a social criterion on the right principle which is the principle of nature. It's not what people think for themselves but it’s fair in accordance with the will of nature.

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How to Cite
จุลไกรอานิสงส์ ป. (2021). Peacemaking on conflicts of thought in Treravada Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(1), 112–127. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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