Dhutanga and Ethical Value in Threravada Buddhism

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Phrabaideeka Kritsada Katapuñño


This article aims to study and analyze the concept of Dhutanga and ethical values in Threravada Buddhism. This is qualitative research done by studying academic documents. It was found that Dhutanga are practical to get rid of passions. It is fundamental to support meditation and wisdom. When it comes to ethical values, it's important to be honest. There are two things: 1) Individual values are a self-development according to Buddhist principles by developing mind and wisdom and 2) Social value is the result that society should receive from Dhutanga in accordance with the mission of Buddhism aimed at benefiting and delighting society.

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How to Cite
Katapuñño, P. K. (2021). Dhutanga and Ethical Value in Threravada Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(2), 137–152. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/252030
Academic Article


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