A Study of Code of Buddhism from Unnamed Acronym

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Teerachoot Kerdkaew


This research aimed to study the source material methods of anonymous acronym the code of Buddhism and the unnamed acronym in 108 core scriptures to use. This qualitative research collected data from documents and they were analyzed and presented as descriptive research reports.

          The research found that the most unnamed acronyms in 108 core scriptures were scriptures including chants from the prayer book. However, some core scriptures were derived from the belief in Brahmanism, superstition. The unnamed acronyms were abbreviated by using the acronym theory as in the Wachirasãratta sangkhaha scripture which consisted of 3 forms: 1) the abbreviation of the initial letter of a word, 2) the abbreviation of the final letter of a word, 3) the abbreviation of both the initial and final letter. The code of Buddhism from the unnamed acronym in 108 core scriptures was Buddha Rattana Tri or Triple Gem as well as Buddhist scriptures, Dhamma, Buddhist disciples, religious objects, rituals and milestones in Buddhism, novels to reflect important purpose of abbreviation and using acronym as Buddhism materials, method for memorizing various matters in Buddhism and memorizing the principles of Buddhism, for mental exercise to meditate by using the letters in prayer, and for the leader reminder to leave baseness, observe the precepts, self-sacrifice, and mental development. Meanwhile, it was found that abbreviations were used in magical beliefs in both good ways, such as protection from dangers and bad ways, such as being used to harm other people to misfortune, etc.

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How to Cite
Kerdkaew, T. (2021). A Study of Code of Buddhism from Unnamed Acronym . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 5(2), 153–173. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/253398
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