Devadattapabbãjitapañhã: Reasoning Argumentative Process in Milinda Pañha

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Songchai Siri


In this paper, an attempt was purposely made to study Reasoning Argumenta-tive Process in Devadattapabbãjitapañhã done by Milinda King and Nãgasena wherein Devadatta ordination was allowed by the Buddha. In the study, it showed that Milinda King disagreed with Nãgasena’s endorsement that the Buddha possesses two kinds of quality: 1) omniscience, and 2) the greatest compassion on the ground that the Buddha gave ordination to Devadatta in order to do the most serious offence and thereby bringing about him the heaviest unwholesome result. In this matter, Nãgasena, while answering the question, utilized Pañipucchãvidhĩ through Upamã-upameyya so as to provide the concrete answer whereby its answer could be settled up. As far as the process of reasoning is concerned in Devadattapabbãjitapañhã, it shows the important aspects of argument to us where we can learn how put the question wisely and how to rhetorically answer the question while seeking for the fact involved. Furthermore, it also teaches us how to manage oneself in the atmosphere of debate creatively and peacefully.

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How to Cite
Siri, S. (2022). Devadattapabbãjitapañhã: Reasoning Argumentative Process in Milinda Pañha. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 200–217. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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