The Way to Administrate the Yellow Ribbon Hills Organization with Buddhadhamma

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Somboon Bunyasiri
Phramaha Surasak Pachabtasena


The objective of this article is to study the way to administrate the Yellow Ribbon Hills Organization with Buddhadhamma by studying documents and books. The result of the study found that in the former time, an administration of the Yellow Ribbon Hills Organization had only applied the principles and strategies of Western, it was to make some personnel in the organization working as heartless. The viewpoint of organization’s executives saw that the employees were as robots who just worked following the executive’s orders, it caused the problems both the performances of personnel who were not happy and the effectiveness of successful work that was more difficult. When executives modified the way to administrate an organization by applying the Buddhadhamma to focus on the mental development of personnel. The ways to administrate for development of living together of organization as the four sublime states of mind, the four principles of service, the six directions, and the principle of mental development as Vipassana meditation. It was used to combine with the way of organization, and to help more flexibility in administration of organization. it stimulated efficiency work to make everyone feel good at work, to have responsibility to duty, to be a good relationship and to be good friend to each other, and to have smoother communication at work. It also made personnel aware of the goal, and created the effectiveness to the organization as it expected.

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How to Cite
Bunyasiri, S., & Pachabtasena, P. S. (2022). The Way to Administrate the Yellow Ribbon Hills Organization with Buddhadhamma. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 218–235. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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