The word of “Miang” : Relationship on Language and Thai Culture.

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Vichuda Prayyong


This academic article aims to study the word of “Miang” in term of origin, the evolution of the word of “Miang”, and in relationship on language and Thai culture.

“Miang” is a snack made by Lanna people in every home. In the past, Lanna people used to chew “Miang” or keep in the mouth after eating. The culture of keep “Miang” in the mouth is a culture that has been for a long time in Lanna.

From the word of “Miang” found in ancient documents shows the long history of the word. “Miang” also represents the culture and tradition of Thai people which makes it known that Thai people have been familiar with “Miang“ for a long time.

The word of “Miang” is written differently according to the Lanna language dictionary and the Royal Institute Dictionary 2011 because of different pronunciation methods of Lanna and Bangkok languages.

The meaning of the word of “Miang” in the Lanna language dictionary and the Royal Institute dictionary 2011 is different which the Royal Institute dictionary 2011 has 2 meanings.
Although “Miang” of the people in Lanna is different from “Miangkham” of the people in the central region, but “Miangkham” is considered as the relationship between language and culture in Thai society.

Currently, the word of “Miang” have changed according to social conditions and linguistic changes according to linguistic evolution. However the study of the word of “Miang” shows the relationship between language and Thai culture very well.

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How to Cite
Prayyong, V. (2022). The word of “Miang” : Relationship on Language and Thai Culture. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 236–249. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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