A Comparative Study of Instruction of Buddhism Subject and Islamic Studies in Khannayao School, Khannayao, Bangkok

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Phrasamu Ekkasit Visuddho (Phakdinok)
Teerachoot Kerdkaew


     This Research Article aimed to compare the instruction of Buddhism subject and Islamic studies in Khannayao School, Khannayao, Bangkok. This study was qualitative research. It was collection of data from documents and the research works related the teaching Buddhism and Islam, it also was from in-dept interview.  The results of the study found that: The comparison of instruction of Buddhism subject Islam studies in Khannayao School found that the instruction of Buddhism subject had emphasized student to be good Buddhist, to be a complete human being in both body and mind, to be excellent, knowledge, and moral, to have virtue and culture for living, and to be able living together with others happily but the instruction of Islamic studies had focused on students developing themselves systematically based on the six Major Beliefs and the five Pillars by infusion of various activities into content of instruction. The similarities of perspective were the concept of education emphasizing students to know and to understand on teaching subject, to have faith and practice following their own religion, and having religion as spiritual anchor. The differences of perspective were found that the method of Buddhism subject was taught by following the Middle Way, and practice the Threefold Training. Then, the instruction of Islam studies was taught by following the six Major Beliefs and the five Pillars, to believe in Allah, to strictly obey His commandments. This was focused on the curriculum of each religion.

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How to Cite
Visuddho (Phakdinok), P. E., & Kerdkaew, T. (2022). A Comparative Study of Instruction of Buddhism Subject and Islamic Studies in Khannayao School, Khannayao, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 1–18. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255530
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