A Comparative Study of Elderly Health Activities in Buddhist Community of Pak Chong Subdistrict, Lomsak District and Christian Community of Khuek Noi Subdistrict, Khao Kho District Petchabun Province

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Phra Sompan Laochumphae
Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo


This Research article aims to compare the elderly health in both of communities in Phetchabun Province. This study was a qualitative research by collecting data from documents and related research of well-being of the elderly and it also was from in-depth interview.   The results of the study found that:

Buddhism viewed the health in perspective as follows: 1) The worldview was the actual health of the world and the society based on two factors; the problem of physical health and the problem of mental health. The most of health problems were from society, environment, more consumption, drinking intoxicant lead to decrease of physical health and lack of morals which caused the defilements to dominate the mind. 2) The self-seeing was the following health of the elderly, in Buddhist perspective was the practice of morality, concentration, and wisdom, they were being to have good health. 3) The looking at relationship was the change attitude to the world in positive way for more enjoying with the life, the good mental health was the state of happy mind, having good feeling to oneself and others, to be able improve oneself crossing problems and living in the normally society, it was not regardless of age whether teenage, adults, elderly, or even childhood.

Christianity viewed the health in perspective as follows: 1) The worldview was to be a good health and taking care of a new life which is God’s blessing, and 2) Self-seeing was that Christianity taught how to choose healthy food and how to take care healthy body. The Catholic elders receiving the health promotion was to take care and to protect themselves for being a good physical, mental, social and spiritual health, not getting sick, and be happy. 3) The looking at relationship was the best way of taking care of one own life and around people who were given by God.

The promotion of happiness of the elderly in the viewpoint of two sample populations by overall found that the similarity of perspective was the way of promoting happiness for the elderly based on the principles of each religion for creating happiness. The difference of perspective was found that the sample population of Buddhist emphasized the development of health according to the Threefold Training, then Christian population was emphasized by participation in social activities with keeping always in mind that the thing what God has given after retirement for eternal life.

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How to Cite
Laochumphae, P. S., & Purisuttamo, P. M. (2022). A Comparative Study of Elderly Health Activities in Buddhist Community of Pak Chong Subdistrict, Lomsak District and Christian Community of Khuek Noi Subdistrict, Khao Kho District Petchabun Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 37–53. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255532
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