A Comparative Study of Dietary Control in the View of Theravada Buddhism and Islam

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Phrakhrupalad Phreecha Rakbumrungphong
Teerachoot Kerdkaew


This research article entitled to compare dietary control in the view of Theravada Buddhism and Islam. This study is by using documentary researches.

The results of the study were as follow: Food and nutrition, in the Buddhist viewpoint, food has two characteristics. and food that nourishes the soul as for food, in the view of Islam, it is nourishing as well as Buddhism differs, but the only way to choose the food that God offers is halal food.

As for the issue of food consumption control in Buddhism and Islam, it was found that Theravada Buddhism focuses on the pursuit of consumer goods based on genuine values and artificial values. and taken into account before use, while using and after using with a view to the true need Islam focuses on what Allah has forbidden and allowed. especially the food that is halal It is a food that is beneficial to the body. which, when summed up Both religions view the issue of dietary control as knowing the true benefits of food.

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How to Cite
Rakbumrungphong, P. P., & Kerdkaew, T. (2022). A Comparative Study of Dietary Control in the View of Theravada Buddhism and Islam. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 54–71. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255534
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