A Comparative Study of the Brahma Based on the Belief of Theravada Buddhism and Brahmanism-Hinduism in Thai Society

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PhraThepkamol Worarith
Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo


This research articles to comparatively study of the Brahma based on the belief of Theravada Buddhism and Brahmanism-Hinduism in Thai Society. This study is of documentary's research, by collecting information from scriptures and the related researches both Theravada Buddhism and Brahmanism-Hinduism. The results of this study were as follows: Brahma in both Theravada and Brahmanism-Hinduism has the similar points, i.e., they are divine being, experiencing happiness in the divine abode, living in the divine world, having super power, and bodily radian, but they are have different point, i.e., Brahma in Brahmanism-Hinduism is the great Divine being, the divinity of kindness, the creator all thing in the world, has only one, originated by himself without the first cause, is the originating of the Vedas predestining the fate of man, and is one of TrimuratI and everlasting. Brahma in Theravada is one kind of deity that has no sensual feeling, living in the divine world, is one kind of being that has more virtue, originating from human who occupied the jhana, once the lifespan in the divine world was finished, the Brahamas will come to the Wheel of Rebirth again. In Thai society, Brahma in Theravada Buddhism is explained in the context of the purity, Brahma as clairvoyant, virtues and great, the benefactor father and mother are compared with Brahma because of having Divine States as the virtue, whereas Brahmas in Brahmanism-Hinduism is respected as the Supreme Being that protects and bestows the fortune to ones who pay respect to him.

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How to Cite
Worarith, P., & Purisuttamo, P. M. (2022). A Comparative Study of the Brahma Based on the Belief of Theravada Buddhism and Brahmanism-Hinduism in Thai Society. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 72–89. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255546
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