The Development of the Quality of Nursing Service in Outpatient Department at Nan Hospital Based on Buddhist Way

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Yupin Suksawat
Chamnarn Kerdchor


The objectives of this research article were: (1) To study the development of nursing service quality at the outpatient department of Nan Hospital. (2) To study the four Bhavana dhamma to improve the quality of nursing service at outpatient department of Nan Hospital. (3) To analyze the development of nursing service quality at outpatient department of Nan Hospital according to the Buddhist method which is qualitative research and collecting data from an interview. The key informants were a group of doctors, a group of nurses and 28 patients at outpatient department of Nan Hospital.

                The results showed that the development of nursing service quality at the outpatient department of Nan Hospital using 5 service quality principles. (1) Tangibles (2) Reliability (3) Responsiveness (4) Assurance (5) Empathy. To study the four Bhavana Dhamma for the the development of nursing service quality at the outpatient department of Nan Hospital. In terms of physical development, it results in a clean, convenient and safe place. In terms of moral development, it results in the discipline of personnel and willingness to serve. In terms of cultivation of the heart, it results in personnel having concentration, mental strength, consciousness in working, understanding and empathizing with service recipients. In terms of intellectual development, it results in personnel being competent in their work, knowing about diseases and modern treatment methods according to academic principles. Development of nursing service quality at the outpatient department of Nan Hospital according to the Buddhist method. It results in the facilities and place available to use a good service system, personnel working happily and the patients being treated safely according to professional standards.

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How to Cite
Suksawat, Y., Phrachayanantamunee, & Kerdchor, C. (2022). The Development of the Quality of Nursing Service in Outpatient Department at Nan Hospital Based on Buddhist Way. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 90–107. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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