An Analytical Study of Propagating the Teaching of Thai Buddhist Monk Affecting the Dhamma-Vinaya (Doctrine and Discipline): A Case Study of Phra Kukrit Soṭthiphalo

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PhraKriangkrai Thanavuddha (Suvarnakham)
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Athithep Phatha
Sawaeng Nilnama
Phramethavinairos (Sutep Pasiviko)


This research has three objectives: 1) to study the propagation of teachings of the Buddha as described in Tipiṭaka, 2) to study the propagation of the teachings of Phra Kukrit Soṭthiphalo that affects Dhamma-Vinaya, and 3) to analyze the propagation of teachings of Phra Kukrit Soṭthiphalo that affects Dhamma-Vinaya.

According to the research, it is found that the Buddha had a variety of methods to teach although essentially based on one principle. He would adjust his teaching to match the persons in accordance to their particular learning ability; the language used was also cordial and polite, free of abrasive and cynical remarks.

Phra Kukrit Soṭthiphalo’s propagation is analyzed in eight aspects of the teachings: “three in Vinaya Piṭaka”, covering 1) the recitation of the 150 rules of Bhikkhu Pāṭimokhas, 2) Bhikkhu eating only one meal, and 3) the ordination of women as Bhikkhunis, “two of Suttanta Piṭaka”, covering 1) the organic or mental faculties of near-death persons turning strong, and 2) the exposition of Magga, Phala, and the destination of the dead, and “two of Abhidhamma Piṭaka”, covering Abhidhamma as disciples’ words and 2) the state of Nibbāna, and lastly one aspect of Aṭṭhakathā, the dismiss of commentaries as expounded by disciples.

According to the analysis, it is found that for the three aspects of Vinaya 1) Bhikkhus have to recite 227 rules of Bhikkhu Pāṭimokhas, 2) Bhikkhus can eat any time from dawn till noon, except Bhukkhus observing one-sessioner’s practice, and 3) Women could not be ordained as Bhukkhunīs; for the two aspects of Suttanta Piṭaka, 1) No Buddha’s words is found to refer to the organic or mental faculties of near-death persons turning strong and 2) the exposition of Magga, Phala, and destination of the dead person is an act of falsely claiming supernormal ability, for the two aspects of Abhidhamma Piṭaka 1) Abhidhamma is the Buddha’s words, and 2) Anupādisesa-nibbāna is the cessation of 5 aggregates, and for one aspect of the commentaries, they are the exposition of the Buddha’s words.

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How to Cite
Thanavuddha (Suvarnakham), P., Sativaro, P. A. ., Phatha , A., Nilnama, S., & (Sutep Pasiviko) , P. (2022). An Analytical Study of Propagating the Teaching of Thai Buddhist Monk Affecting the Dhamma-Vinaya (Doctrine and Discipline): A Case Study of Phra Kukrit Soṭthiphalo. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 175–199. Retrieved from
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