Buddhist Principles that Results in Longevity and Short Life Span in Anayussasutta

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Phra Tanakit Khemthammo Khemathammo
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho
Phramaha Surasak Paccantaseno
Supaphan Permpoon
Phra Methawinairos


In this thesis with three objectives; there were (1) to study the structure and the essential content of the Anāyussā Sutta, (2) to study the principle appearing in Anāyussā Sutta, and (3) to analyze Buddhist principles leading to long and short life expectancy in Anāyussā Sutta. The result of the study found that

1) Anāyussā Sutta has the structure in Suttanta Tipiṭaka Volumm 22 and Volumm 14, Aṅguttaranikāya, Pañcakanipāta Tatiyapaṇṇāsaka, Gilānavagga 3, the Sutta 5 and 6, page 205 – 206 (Thai version). It is classified into 2 Suttas; Paṭhama-Anāyussā Sutta and Tutiya-Anāyussā Sutta.

2) The importance of principle in Anāyussā Sutta is divided into 2 suttas, namely, the Paṭhama-Anāyussā Sutta: the five prinples leading to short life; 1) not do what is benifical condition, 2) not be moderate even as to things suitable and favourable, 3) not eat food which is easy to digest, 4) not behave oneself properly, and 5) not practice sexual abstinence. In Tutiya-Anāyussā Sutta, the first 3 principles are the same as Paṭhama-Anāyussā Sutta, and the last 2 principles; 6) not be morally upright, and 7) to have bad friends, opposite of longevity.

3) Analyze the principles that cause the longevity and shortevity in in Anāyussā Sutta found that it is divided into 2 suttas, namely, 1) Paṭhama-Anāyussā Sutta: the prinples leading to long life; (1) to do what is benefical condition, (2) to be moderate even as to things suitable and favourable, (3) to eat food which is easy to digest, (4) to behave oneself properly, and (5) to practice sexual abstinence. In Tutiya-Anāyussā Sutta, the first 3 principles are the same as Paṭhama-Anāyussā Sutta, and the last 2 principles; (6) to be morally upright, and (7) to have good friends, short-lived opposite.

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How to Cite
Khemathammo, P. T. . K., Narajettho, P. Y., Paccantaseno, P. S., Permpoon, S., & Phra Methawinairos. (2022). Buddhist Principles that Results in Longevity and Short Life Span in Anayussasutta . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 108–126. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255764
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