A Study of the Principle of Cultivating Loving Kindness in the Metta Sutta

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patcharee Boonin
Phra Debvajracarya (Thiab Siriñāṇo)
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Nadnaphang Phophichit
Banjob Bannaruji


The objectives of this research were; 1) to study the structure and the essential content of the Metta-Sutta, 2) to study the principle of cultivating loving-kindness in the Metta-Sutta, and 3) to study the cultivating loving-kindness in the Metta-Sutta for applying in the way of life.

The results of the study found that the structure of the Metta-Sutta is the ninth Sutta in Khuddhaka-nikāya, Khuddapātha. The characteristics is as the Pāli verses which are of 10 Ghāthās (stanzas). Each stanza shows the way of conduct, attribute, practices, and the fruits of practice for the practitioner who aims for the path of liberation, Nibbāna. And in addition to the Noble Eightfold Path, which is morality, concentration, and wisdom, practitioners must have fourteen qualities which is the quality of those who live with loving-kindness. Moreover, one must practice loving-kindness meditation to train the mind develop wisdom to become enlightened. It is an act of kindness towards all beings in the world with a limitless loving-kindness mind, without enmity, without enemies because of the elimination of one’s malice and of other beings.

The result of analysis of the principle of cultivating loving-kindness in Metta-Sutta applying in the way of life, found that the study of the attributes of a person living with loving-kindness make being responsible for oneself and society, having respect for oneself and society, having principles of self-sufficiency, having work ethics by the five faculties, and living in a Buddhist way. The study of the principle of cultivating loving-kindness for all beings, found that the living with heedfulness, the living with loving-kindness that allows the mind to be concentrated, the living with loving-kindness that brings patience, the living with loving-kindness that eases anger, the living with loving-kindness which is the love and good wishes, and the living with loving-kindness leading to the factory to oneself. And the study of the principle of cultivating Metta-Bhāvanā found that the equality of life, the practice for easing anger, and the quest for peace of mind.

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How to Cite
Boonin, patcharee, (Thiab Siriñāṇo) , P. D. ., Sativaro, P. A. ., Phophichit, N., & Bannaruji, B. . (2022). A Study of the Principle of Cultivating Loving Kindness in the Metta Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 127–141. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255765
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