A Study of Puratthima-disa in Singkala Sutta

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sasinipa rasarux
Phramaha Chiravat Kantawanno
Phramaha Sooksan Sukhawatthano
Banjob Bannaruji
Banjob Bannaruji


This research entitled “The study of Puratthimma-disā in Siṅgālaka Sutta”, which is of three objectives; 1) to study the structure and the essential content of the Siṅgālaka Sutta, 2) to study the functions of a front direction (Puratthimma-disā) in the Siṅgālaka Sutta, and 3) to analyze the five desiragle roles to a front direction. the result of the study found that.

The result of study found that the Siṅgālaka Sutta is in the Suttanta Piṭakaka, Dhīganikāya, Pāṭikavagga, Volumm 11 (Thai version), the 8th Sutta. The Lord Budha taught the Buddhist’s Disciplines that is the the principle of Buddhist should practise in dialy life, starting from to avoid the 4 Defilements, the 4 Prejudices, and the six Causes of Ruin, total 14 kinds. The Lord Buddha taught the character of false and true friends, the Six Directions, and the way to practice to the Six Directions, the fourfold division of property, and the Four principles of Service.

The functions of child should practice to the front direction, the Lord Buddha gave the 5 ways; 1) having been supported by them, child will support them in his turn, 2) doing their works for them, 3) keeping the hornour and the traditions of their family, 4) behaving himself worthy of heritage, and 5) dedicating merit to them are their death.

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How to Cite
rasarux, sasinipa, Kantawanno, P. C. ., Sukhawatthano, P. S., Bannaruji, B., & Bannaruji, B. (2022). A Study of Puratthima-disa in Singkala Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 159–174. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255952
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