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Thitima Maisomdat
Phra Methivorayan (Saipetch Vachiraweti)
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Phramaha Nopadol Saisuta
Banjob Bannaruji


The objectives of this article are 1) to study the structure and essence of the gelañña sutta

2) to study the dharma principles that appear in the gelañña sutta

3) to study the value of the principles that appear in gelañña sutta. This research is qualitative research. The results showed that

The appears in the 18th volume of the Tripitaka on Sickness. In the first formula the gelañña sutta Buddha taught to be conscious all the time. when suffering in the second clear formula The Buddha taught to be conscious all the time. when there is suffering while touching

Dharma principles in practice When sick, physically and mentally Carelessness, suppression of feelings, suppression of touch, Atapi sampajano stamina, the five hindrances, the Buddha taught to be mindful and persevering at all times. to have carelessness When suffering arises, the contact clearly knows that suffering arises, the five hindrances arise, and impermanence is seen. There is an improvement factor do not hold on to

The value of the dharma principles that appear in the gelañña sutta is the value of suppressing suffering The value of freeing from suffering The value of life development to live in the present The value of enlightenment When he is conscious and comprehensible, he knows feeling clearly, eliminating covetousness (defilements), contemplating the Dharma in the Dharma, respectively.

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How to Cite
Maisomdat, T., (Saipetch Vachiraweti), P. M., Sativaro, P. A., Saisuta, P. N., & Bannaruji , B. (2022). A STUDY OF BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES IN GELAÑÑA SUTTA. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(1), 142–158. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/255953
Research Articles


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