A Survey Study on the Environment and Archeology Site in Nong Khai Province

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Athithep Phatha
Kanglol Kachima
Supapan Permpool
Duangdee Otsoo


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the concept of environment and archaeological sites, 2) to study environmental and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province, and 3) to study the value of environment and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province. This research is a qualitative research by using the action research process as part of the research operation. Emphasis on analytical studies both in the area and the target groups. Organizing the research process by extracting lessons and integrating information from interviews, observations, and collaborative action in the study area and defined target audience using the Demming Cycle Process (PDCA).
The results found that 1)The theory of environmental exploration and archaeological sites. The theory of the development of human society in terms of urban and community creation, conservation theory and conservation participation theory are applied in the study to demonstrate the development. of ancient crooked sources and methods of conservation. 2) Environment and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province can be classified according to 4 eras: (1) Prehistoric archaeological sites such as Ban Khok Khon Archaeological Sites (2) Dvaravati archaeological sites Found scattered in many areas of Nong Khai Province. (3) Archeological sites of the Khmer period or Khmer period of the reign of Jayavarman VII, found in Wiang Khuk Sub-district (4) Lan Xang archaeological sites It can be found in large numbers in Nong Khai city such as Pakho-Wiang Khuk sub-district. Mueang Nong Khai District Tha Bo District and Phon Phisai District which those archaeological sites are considered to be very valuable resources to people in both local and historical tourism, etc. 3) The value of visiting the survey area is to gain knowledge about environment and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province in many aspects such as history. in terms of forms/types of Buddhist art in each era In terms of raising awareness of environmental conservation and archaeological sites in the community to increase even more.

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How to Cite
Phrathepvajarachan, Phatha, A., Kachima, K., Permpool, S., & Otsoo, D. (2023). A Survey Study on the Environment and Archeology Site in Nong Khai Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(1). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/256608
Research Articles


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