Development of a Learning Activity Model for Environmental and Archeological Planning in Nong Khai Province

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Banjob Bannaruji
Athithep Phatha
Saweang Nillanama
Kongsarit Peangsub
Utian Wongsathit
Sakchai Phosai


The objectives of this research article are 1) to analyze the learning activity model on environment and archaeological sites; in Nong Khai Province 2) to develop a model of learning activities on the environment and archeological sites in Nong Khai Province 3) to study the value of learning activities for environmental planning and archeological sites in Nong Khai Province. This research is a qualitative research by using the action research process as part of the research operation. Emphasis on analytical studies both in the area and the target groups. Organizing the research process by extracting lessons and integrating information from interviews, observations, and collaborative action in the study area and defined target audience using the Deming Cycle Process (PDCA) as a tool for Conduct participatory action research at every step.
The results showed that The concept of learning activities comes from the study of learning theory. The concept of learning has been described by many thinkers or philosophers, especially Western thinkers. Many people have proposed different theories about learning and the processes and outcomes of learning. As for Buddhism, there are teachings related to learning that human learning arises from the process of working of the outer senses and inner senses, causing the perception and display of behavior. Learning outwardly, the result of learning will affect the physical, verbal and mental expressions.
As for the development of learning activities, the research team has developed learning activities by organizing a variety of learning activities to encourage participants to see the value of environmental plans and archaeological sites in the province. Nong Khai through activities such as Activities of youth tour guides training project for learning environmental planning and archeological sites in Nong Khai Province, copying and reading activities in the study area, activities to develop archaeological sites for the community To encourage participants and society to learn and create awareness of the conservation of the environment and archaeological sites in their communities.

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How to Cite
Bannaruji, B., Phatha, A., Nillanama, S., Peangsub, K., Wongsathit, U., & Phosai, S. (2023). Development of a Learning Activity Model for Environmental and Archeological Planning in Nong Khai Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(1). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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