Development of Application in Learning Management and Environmental Management and Archeology in Nongkhai Province

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Athithep Phatha
Sornprachan Siangyen
Sarute Assavaruangsuk
Uthai Satiman
Thananchapa Chaiphapa


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the guidelines for creating applications.2.) for the development and use of applications to enhance the body of knowledge about environmental management and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province; 3.) to study the value of application development. (Application) in learning management and environmental management and archeological sites in Nong Khai Province
This research is a qualitative research by using the action research process as part of the research operation. Emphasis on analytical studies both in the area and the target groups. Organizing the research process by extracting lessons and integrating information from interviews, observations, and collaborative action in the study area and defined target audience using the Demming Cycle Process (PDCA).
The results found that 1) Application creation and development concept is related to the concept of (1.1) smart phone or mobile phone (1.2) application creation program. Programs must be developed to keep pace with the development of smart phones. or mobile phone.2) In studying about environmental plans and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province, it is necessary to develop applications and be used to achieve access to archaeological sites. 3) In developing applications It is what creates accessibility value. and management, which can bring all the archaeological sites in the study area into one phone.

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How to Cite
Phatha, A., Siangyen, S., Assavaruangsuk, S., Satiman, U., & Chaiphapa, T. (2023). Development of Application in Learning Management and Environmental Management and Archeology in Nongkhai Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(1). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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