(Retracted Article) Environmental Planning and Archeology Design in Nong Khai Province

Main Article Content

Athithep Phatha
Kris Sriya-ad
Kraiwut Chuwilai
Chainarong Krinnoi


This article has been retracted at the request of Editor-in-Chief. Reason for retraction: This article has been published twice in the MCU Journal of Buddhist Studies Review, Year 7, Issue 1, January - April 2023 with the Academic Journal of the Phra Wittayakorn Development Institute, Year 5, Issue 4 (October-December 2022) (https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tmd/article/view/256613). This is caused by switching or confusing files or sending the wrong file in the artwork creation process. The journal would like to withdraw and suspend any publication or reference from this article.

The objectives of this research article are 1) to study environmental and archae- ological site design patterns; 2) to develop environmental and archaeological site map design in Nong Khai Province; 3) to Study on the benefits of using environmental planning and archeological sites in Nong Khai Province. This research is a qualitative research by using the action research process as part of the research operation. Emphasis on analytical studies both in the area and the target groups. Organizing the research process by extracting lessons and integrating information from interviews, observations, and collaborative action in the study area and defined target audience using the Demming Cycle Process (PDCA) as a tool for Conduct participatory action research at every step.  The results showed that 1) Environmental and archaeological site layout design is important because the site layout design is one that can be used to guide the accessibility of the site to an archaeological site. 2) The design of the archaeological site map should be focused on simplicity, clarity and the location of buildings and other religious sites within it by using symbols instead of identifying objects of those buildings or areas. From the completion of environmental and archaeological sites survey in Nong Khai Province, a total of 19 archaeological sites in 3 districts have been designed and planned. 3) The design has been improved and developed through the discussion process until it has been concluded and released for dissemination. Which was found to have satisfactory results. People have a good understanding of the map of archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province and have easy access to the archaeological sites and can also identify the location or important points of the archaeological sites in the community through the aforementioned plan.

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How to Cite
Phrarajrattanalongkorn, Phatha, A., Sriya-ad, K., Chuwilai, K., & Krinnoi, C. . (2023). (Retracted Article) Environmental Planning and Archeology Design in Nong Khai Province . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(1), 14–28. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/256612
Research Articles


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