An application of Buddhist principles in encourage for well-being of the elderly in nan province in the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic

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Siriwan Mitsatsirikul


This research study have a purpose To study the health promotion of the elderly in Nan Province In the situation of the epidemic of COVID-19 and to apply Dharma principles in promoting the health of the elderly in Nan Province Conduct research using qualitative research methods. with the interview method by selecting a specific sample population The results of the study found that :

The health promotion of the elderly in Nan province in the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic revealed that the health of the elderly were as follows: 1) Physical health was to take care of the body to be healthy. and eating nutritious food, etc. 2) Mental health is having good mental health, bright, not stressed by the situation of COVID-19, or finding time to do things that you enjoy and enjoy. 3) Social health is the behavior change to a new way of life. Adjusting interpersonal communication to use social communication. 4) In terms of mental health or intelligence, that is, being aware of the disease and solving problems with wisdom. dealing with stress family activities

The application of Buddhist principles in promoting the well-being of the elderly in Nan province revealed that the elderly applied the 4 principles of meditation to improve their quality of life in terms of physical, moral, mental and intellectual aspects, namely 1) physical meditation, having A good quality of life will help promote longevity. Free from various diseases. 2) Precepts for meditation, strengthening the concentration and keeping the precepts. The precepts will help save lives. 3) Mental prayer, which encourages the mind of the elderly to thrive, to have compassion, love, friendship, goodwill for both oneself and others. He is the one who knows how to solve problems with intelligence.

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How to Cite
Mitsatsirikul, S. (2022). An application of Buddhist principles in encourage for well-being of the elderly in nan province in the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 21–34. Retrieved from
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