Buddhadãsabhikkhu: A Transformation of Postmodern in Treravada Buddhism

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Khaimook Laopipattana
Phramaha Pornchai Sirivaro
Dhammaadhisthana Pornbandalchai
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimethi (Hemprapai)
PhramahaSupawat Boonthong


This research has two objectives to critically analyze Buddhadãsabhikkhu’s formation in proposing the postmodern ideas. This research employed the documentary research methodology. In the research, it was found that with respect to Buddhadãsabhikkhu’s postmodern ideas, they have been somehow scrutinized through the reformation of Buddhism wherein his uniqueness of those ideas was introduced; he proposed the structural guidelines for practices leading to the sameness of goal where others’ practical ways which would vary could be integrated. He was of the strong view that the ways projected by Buddhism highly embrace more ritual than practical reality.  He realized that the practical formation needs to be recommended in some way by a society despite its prevalence.  As regards the postmodern ideas in Buddhism, he pointed out that man has as same as the intention in the beginning and as same as the desire in the last in which it would be differentiated through its details due to individual unequal states of wisdom. Moreover, when Buddhadãsabhikkhu came to examine Buddhism regarded as folklore, he clearly pointed out that the comprehension of the world as the conventional and supramundane one completely varies resulting in the modification of religious meta-narratives which is reduced to small or local narrative by means of the community’s culture and tradition where the worldly and noble individual’s ways of life are naturally sustained by those culture and tradition. In addition, he also attempted to provide the public spheres where a worldly society and Buddhist monks’ society could be connected in terms of self-practice that would benefit others in the way that other should also follow the same manner.

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How to Cite
Laopipattana, K., Sirivaro, P. P., Pornbandalchai, D., Kittimethi (Hemprapai), P. K. ., & Boonthong, P. (2022). Buddhadãsabhikkhu: A Transformation of Postmodern in Treravada Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(2), 19–42. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/258117
Research Articles


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