A Comparative Study of the concept of Wulembu in Brahminism-Hinduism of the Balinese Ethnic group in Indonesia with Nokhassadiling in Theravada Buddhism in Ubonratchathani Province

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Panisa Meesang
Praves Intongpan


This research article It has three objectives: (1) to study the concept of "Wulembu" in Brahmin-Hinduism; “NokHassadiling” in Theravada Buddhism (3) A comparative study of the concept of “Wulembu” in Brahmin-Hinduism and the concept of “NokHassadiling” in Theravada Buddhism. With the method of studying documents and interviews The study found that Bali rituals " Wulembu " cremation form An art that reflects the social processes, cremation ceremonies of people who believe in gods. The spirit and life that is united by Balinese society and culture, its connection creates the story that cows are gods who will lead the dead to heaven. Balinese people believe in reincarnation. This myth is believed to be consistent with NokHassadiling to the cremation ceremony, which is a continuation of the Buddhist belief. Brahmin-Hinduism related to the beliefs of Triphum The creation of the crematorium in the form of a NokHassadiling  in the funeral ceremony of a master and a senior monk according to the ancient beliefs of the Isan people is therefore rooted in the belief that NokHassadiling is an animal in the continent of Uttar Pradesh. Another belief is that NokHassadiling is a Himmapan creature. It is a large bird with great strength that deserves to be a vehicle of Noble lords and senior monks bring souls to heaven according to beliefs in both religions.

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How to Cite
Meesang, P., & Intongpan, P. (2022). A Comparative Study of the concept of Wulembu in Brahminism-Hinduism of the Balinese Ethnic group in Indonesia with Nokhassadiling in Theravada Buddhism in Ubonratchathani Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 35–57. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/259060
Research Articles


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