Criteria for judging for false claiming a superhuman quality according to principal in the Tipitaka

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PhraPrabsuk Uthayo
Phramaha Surasak Paccantaseno
Phramaha Chiravat Kantawanno


This article aimed to study 1) to study a false claim to a superior human state in Tipiṭaka 2) to study the criteria for judgment of a false claim to a superior human state in Tipiṭaka, and 3) to present the guidelines of prevention of false claim to a superior human state in accordance with the principle of Tipiṭaka. This is a qualitative research based on documentary research. The research results were found as follows;

  1. Saying about a superior human stage, i.e., Jhāna: meditative absorption, Vimokkha: emancipation, Samādhi: concentration, Samāpatti: meditative attainment, Ñāṇa: knowledge, Magga-bhāvanā: path-development, the realization, abandoning of defilements, the mind’s freedom from hindrance, delight in an empty dwelling, Nibbāna, and the being of Noble One with the words and express to others by the direct or indirect way.

  2. If the Bhikkhu said to someone that I entered, I’m entering, I have entered, I was normal, I am normally skilled, I have already realized it, all of these actions are considered as the false claim to a superior human state in all aspects. And if that person understands and believes, it is considered as committing a Pārājika.

  3. There are 6 guidelines for the solution to the problem and the prevention of a false claim to a superior human state in Tipitaka, i.e. must have moral shame 1, must have the knowledge about Āpatti 1, must not doubtfully doing 1, must not misunderstand what it shouldn't be as what it should be 1, must not misunderstand what it should be as what it shouldn't be 1, and must be with Sati all the time 1. There are guidelines for the prevention; (1) By Individual Approach, the offender must be held liable for that action. (3) By policy level, there are policies both at the state level and at the level of monastic organizations to supervise as well as setting rules and regulations to practice clarity.

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How to Cite
Uthayo, P. ., Paccantaseno, P. S. ., & Kantawanno, P. C. (2022). Criteria for judging for false claiming a superhuman quality according to principal in the Tipitaka. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 185–200. Retrieved from
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