A Comparative Study of Religious Beliefs about the Afterlife of the Traditions of Lao and Khmer Groups in Prachinburi Province

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Phrakhrupalad Wanlop VaJiravaṃso (Detchphew)
Kit Sriya-ad
Praves Intongpan


This article aimed to compare of religious beliefs about the afterlife of the Traditions of Lao and Khmer Groups in Prachinburi Province. This research is a qualitative study by studying and collecting data from the Tripitaka related research academic papers and interview target audiences. The research results were found as follows. The initial belief in faith encourages people to come up with ideas to ensure their beliefs. Therefore, there are the criterion of the afterlife, they must have  sacred ceremonies to support those who went to the next world to live. Especially the beliefs of Lao and Khmer Groups. Merit-traditions is relating to the afterlife of Lao and Khmer Groups.

There are 2 forms of similar ceremonies: the first form is the preparation of alms to offer to the monks and then dedicating the consequence of merit to the deceased relatives according to Buddhist beliefs. The second form is to make offerings to worship various spirits by the motto that ghosts will be able to come and grab those objects back to the city of jinn (Hungry Ghosts). As for the different implications, it depends on the format of the ceremony depending on the locality. The merits of the two traditions indicate that the cultures of these two groups are similar.

This ritual was done for 1) for dedicating merits to the deceased 2) for paying gratitude to the benefactors 3) for by believing that the deceased would gain merit and be happy in peace. All believe in the same direction. It is to dedicate the results to the deceased as an important principle.

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How to Cite
VaJiravaṃso (Detchphew), P. W., Sriya-ad , K. ., & Intongpan, P. (2022). A Comparative Study of Religious Beliefs about the Afterlife of the Traditions of Lao and Khmer Groups in Prachinburi Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 96–114. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/259780
Research Articles


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