An Analysis of Buddha’s Strategy for Propagation of Buddhism in Tipitaka

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Pornpimol Jorphochaudom
Phra Methivorayan
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Suthep Phromlert


This Article aimed to study (1) to study the Buddha’s method for propagation of Buddhism in Tipitaka, 2) to study the Buddha’s strategy of propagating Buddhism in Tipitaka, and 3) to analyze the Buddha’s strategy of propagating Buddhism in Tipitaka. This is qualitative research based on documentary research. The research results were found as follows;

1) The result of the research found that Brahmanism was already in India before Buddha’s period of propagating Buddhism. In addition to Brahmanism, there were various doctrines that have different beliefs in 62 views. In the past time, India was divided into 16 kingdoms. The discrimination of the caste system in society happened through the influence of religion. The study of propagating Buddhism found that Buddha’s strategy was used for propagating Buddhism.

The result of the study of the Buddha’s strategy of propagating Buddhism found the model of the strategic plan for propagating Buddhism, that was the vision, mission, philosophy, determination, and the Buddha’s strategy.

The analysis of the strategy for propagating Buddhism found that the factors contributing to the success are the system and the process of operation, the possible planning, the participation in planning, the good governance, the contributor and supporter. The strengths of the three strategies are 1) the strategy of the Buddha’s capability. 2) the strategy of the power of all the Dhammas. And 3) the strategy of the power of Sangha.

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How to Cite
Jorphochaudom, P., Phra Methivorayan, Sativaro, P. A., Phromlert, S., & Phramedhavinaiyaros. (2022). An Analysis of Buddha’s Strategy for Propagation of Buddhism in Tipitaka. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 115–132. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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