Stimulating Feelings and Perceptions in The Waste Separation using Media to Create Contemporary Art

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Watcharawit Chitmuenwai
Pradiphat Lerrujdumrongkul


This research was designed to study the problem of waste that effected the environment and the theories of consciousness construction and behavior adaptation leading to creating of relevant contemporary art media to solve the problems connected with the waste disposal. The quantitative method was used by interviewing 74 respondents between the age of 15 - 35 years old to identify what kinds of animals and insects found at waste disposal sites were the most disgusting. By using the statistical methods of frequency distribution and percentage, it could be concluded that among 22 kinds of animals and insects found at the sits, only worms, cockroaches, flies, and rats were the most disgusting. This data was analyzed and used in creating contemporary art media.

The research found that the people’s behavior connected with waste disposing was derived from their experience of sensing though the six senses of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind. Their experience of sensing affected attitudes, thoughts, beliefs and subconsciousness and led to forming of their behavior. Therefore, to reflect the true waste disposal behavior, the researcher created an art work called “Sat-Ja-Dharm-Rue-Mai.” The researcher constructed installation art objects made of recycled material. By using the light from a projector, those objects cast shadows in the shape of the most disgusting animals and insects reflecting the “truth” of waste disposal behaviors in Thai society. This research would lead to the development  of consciousness of waste disposal behaviors especially how to separate different kind of waste from each other.

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How to Cite
Chitmuenwai, W., & Lerrujdumrongkul, P. (2022). Stimulating Feelings and Perceptions in The Waste Separation using Media to Create Contemporary Art. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 154–170. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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