Aesthetics in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Phrakru Sitthithammaporm
Phramaha Sudjai Kunapan
Songsuk Phakeaw


This academic paper aims to present aesthetic concepts in Theravada Buddhist philosophy. The meaning of aesthetics in Theravada Buddhist philosophy Beauty judgment and Western aesthetic concepts and Buddhist philosophy Study from textbooks, documents, articles and related research. Aesthetics is the science that studies beauty, which can be natural beauty or man-made artistic beauty, which relates to things in human life, focusing on emotions and feelings. Buddhist philosophy talks about beauty in 2 dimensions: 1) Beauty in a worldly dimension Buddhist philosophy considers it to be the result of the interaction between the qualities or properties of objects and desires, namely joy in the mind or in the nature of each person It can be perceived by the five senses, namely form, taste, sound, smell, sound, touch. when material beauty is not real Therefore, it is not valuable or useful to life because Buddhist philosophy believes that only the real things are useful. 2) Beauty in a moral dimension It is a spiritual beauty experience. abstract beauty It is an experience that occurs or can be touched or perceived by practice, for example, performing good deeds will make the practice happy. Make people know that they are virtuous or beautiful. The beauty of Dhamma is objective, universal, everyone knows or can feel it. The beauty of Dharma is not an emotional aspect or a feeling, such as being beautiful or not beautiful but refers to the characteristics of "value", that is, benefit and support happiness Aesthetics in Theravada Buddhist philosophy is a combination of morality and art that the Buddha said. All of them have beauty in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end. like one who turns up an overturned vessel Makes the follower happy, free from defilements and complete human beings with precepts, concentration and wisdom.

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How to Cite
Phrakru Sitthithammaporm, Kunapan, P. S. . ., & Phakeaw, S. . (2023). Aesthetics in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(1). Retrieved from
Academic Article


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