Study of contractual appearance in Buddhist rituals to re-modify meaning and processing to create cultural and wisdom dimension

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silalai Phadboke
Pradiphat Lerrujdumrongkul


This research article aims to see the guidelines for the creative management of handicrafts

To promote the relationship between the temple and the community This study, therefore, focuses on the design and processing of wisdom handicrafts to have more cultural dimensions. Culture and wisdom are social and human indicators. The media symbolizes the progress and deterioration of culture, thus representing the personality of the nation. and is a calming tool for the human mind. Any country with a good culture will affect the progress of people in society. Nowadays, culture and wisdom are getting more and more attention from change quickly awakening as a result of the country's economic and social development to create a selling point and make a difference Including adhering to the subject of culture and wisdom to develop into a new product. To understand the rituals and be able to apply the culture to be useful in a variety of contexts.

The results showed: What can it be to turn handicrafts into something artistic? More than the creation of various religious objects and shapes that come from weaving and knitting. It is the creation of knowledge, cultural dimensions, and wisdom. Performing the “Kathin” ritual can lead to the concept of design following people and cultures and can also be a decoration for the residence.

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How to Cite
Phadboke, silalai, & Lerrujdumrongkul, P. (2022). Study of contractual appearance in Buddhist rituals to re-modify meaning and processing to create cultural and wisdom dimension. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 133–153. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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