Leadership traits of School Administrators in 21st Century

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Siraprapa Akkaraphichart
Chuennapa Navaree
Matthana Wangthanonsak


School administrators are very important people, because there must be a role to be performed under the conditions of the surrounding conditions. Especially in the present day's there are changing rapidly. Administrators also need to have knowledge of “Leadership”. Because leadership is very important for executives. Educational institutions in the modern world or as always known as the globalization era, which has progressed in technology, because the change of society from the past to the present very quickly. Therefore, leadership is the process of school administrators influencing their subordinates to cause activities or changes to achieve specific educational institution goals in the 21st century by supporting, persuading, motivating personnel to comply with willingness and willing to cooperate to lead the operation and management of education in educational institutions effectively and effectiveness

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How to Cite
Akkaraphichart, S., Navaree, C., & Wangthanonsak, M. (2022). Leadership traits of School Administrators in 21st Century . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 6(3), 276–292. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/260874
Academic Article


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