Social Impact Assessment and Indicators Development lead to preliminary Financial Proxy Assessment through the Graduate’s Quality Development Project with Volunteer Participation according to the Identity of Uttaradit Rajabhat University on the Buddhism principle

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Supattra Tantijariyapan


This academic paper is entitled to present the fundamental concept of social impact assessment integrate with the Buddhism principles and develop indicators that lead to the analysis of the preliminary financial proxy through the Graduate’s Quality Development Project with Volunteer Participation according to the Identity of Uttaradit Rajabhat University. The results found that the fundamental concept of social impact assessment was the process that analyzes before and after project implementation and social impact management. This concept was also focused on sustainability and fairness to the target group of the project based on the Buddhism principles, namely the four Brahma Vihara principles, Metta, Karuna, Mudita, and Upekkha. This concept was also focused on sustainability and fairness to the target group of the project based on the Buddhist principles, which namely the four Sangahavatthudhamma principles, Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upekkha. The results of the development of economic indicators of the case study project were as follows: 1)Economic indicators 1.1) Individual level consisting of income per person (household) /month and 1.2) Community level consisting of income per person (household) /month and income per community that operates in the form of groups with the people who participated in the project/month and 2) Environmental indicators 2.1) Individual level, consists of the cost that the local government organization had to invest in waste management at the source to dispose of 1kg of waste per person/household and 2.2) Community level consists of the cost that the organization Local governments must invest in waste management at source to dispose of 1 kilogram of waste per person /household. Social Impact Assessment found that the main outcomes were achieved in eliminating the causes of social problems. The findings also revealed that the financial proxy assessment for developing the waste management innovation from plastic and foam an economic aspect found that the community level earned 30,500 Baht/61people (Household)/Month and the environmental aspect found that the waste disposal cost was reduced by 9,991.80 Baht/Year. The implementation of this project has shown positive outcomes for the community and the students. Therefore, they have been developed to be graduates who have a public mind.

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Tantijariyapan, S. (2023). Social Impact Assessment and Indicators Development lead to preliminary Financial Proxy Assessment through the Graduate’s Quality Development Project with Volunteer Participation according to the Identity of Uttaradit Rajabhat University on the Buddhism principle. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
Academic Article


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