An Analytical Study of the Process to Build up Sammāditthi in Brahmajāla Sutta

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PhraDhanāyupong Āsondhi
Phra Mahayuthanā Norachetto
PhraKhru Sirirattanabanthitta
Praves Intongpan


This research article has three objectives: 1) to analyze the structure and essence in Brahmajāla Sutta, 2) to analyze the process of creation of Sammādiṭṭhi that appears in the Tripitaka, 3) to study and analyze the process of creating Sammādiṭṭhi in Brahmajāla Sutta. This research article is a qualitative research, by studying the data in the Tripitaka, and related research papers. Using descrtptive presentation. The research found that: 1) The Brahmajāla Sutta has its structure and essence, as a result of Suppiya Brahmins uttering insults to the Triple Gems. The Lord Buddha then spoke the Brahmajāla Sutta that, the brahmins did not perceive correctly in feeling.The preconceived. lead to egotism, due to 62 things. Mandates the Ego and the World by Lust. That lead to births, worlds, lives revolving around endlessly. The monks should feel it right, not get angry or unhappy. Monks should keep pure precepts. 2) The process of creating Sammādiṭṭhi as shown in the Tripitaka had a factor from paratoghosa such as Kalyānamitta, who is an instructor advise, a consultant. And Yonisomanasikārn, that mean knowing to think intelligently, investigate the cause. Recognition process which is right view, that is, the six consciousnesses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, to experience stimuli, you can see through a trick, not pleased not rude. 3) The process of creating right view in the Brahmachalala Sutta Beginning from seeing the harm from the bad sense. knowing how to avoid the false belief, that is the perception of the six senses that are not correct, seeing the importance of the precepts, that is the basis for living a good life. There are good people who give advice and point the right way. have a clever idea. A person should live by having the right senses. Choose to experience the vision that is Sammādiṭṭhi

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How to Cite
Āsondhi, P. . ., Norachetto, P. M. . ., Phromlert , S., PhraKhru Sirirattanabanthitta, & Intongpan, P. (2023). An Analytical Study of the Process to Build up Sammāditthi in Brahmajāla Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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